Leadership and Management Program - 1 year
Management and Leadership coaching is a tailor-made program for those who would like to redefine and improve their managerial and leadership skills. You will be working around following five key areas of modern management and leadership:
1. Deep understanding of management and leadership concepts
2. Motivation in management and leadership
3. Stress management in management and leadership
4. Time management in management and leadership
5. Communication in management and leadership
For whom?
This program is dedicated to three groups of managers:
1. Successful managers who aim in being even more successful. They are seeking for bringing their managerial and leadership skills on the highest level.
2. Those who are seeking improvement in their management and leadership skills.
3. Those who find it difficult to define if they are good managers and leaders.
Expected results?
You are going to become a successful manager and leader in three stages of this program:
Stage 1: Mindset transformation.
First, Piotr will help you to find out what manager and leader you are now. You will identify areas you would need to work on in order to become better manager and leader. You will define a clear goal what manager and leader you would like to be according to your authentic self and personality you have. No fake leadership accepted. It must be real you! Leadership is within you. Just needs to be unlashed!
Stage 2: Taking action.
Secondly, you are going to learn a number of highly effective management and leadership tools, techniques and strategies. You will be supported with a personal action plan that will put the theory into practice. Get ready to take action right away.
Stage 3: Monitoring long-lasting change
Finally, you are a desired leader. It is not be the end of your work. The coach will keep you accountable and make sure your transformation is permanent by monitoring your results.
Leadership and Managment Program - 3 months
Management and Leadership coaching is a tailor-made program for those who would like to redefine and improve their managerial and leadership skills. You will be working around following five key areas of modern management and leadership:
1. Deep understanding of management and leadership concepts
2. Motivation in management and leadership
3. Stress management in management and leadership
4. Time management in management and leadership
5. Communication in management and leadership
For whom?
This program is dedicated to three groups of managers:
1. Successful managers who aim in being even more successful. They are seeking for bringing their managerial and leadership skills on the highest level.
2. Those who are seeking improvement in their management and leadership skills.
3. Those who find it difficult to define if they are good managers and leaders.
Expected results?
You are going to become a successful manager and leader in three stages of this program:
Stage 1: Mindset transformation.
First, Piotr will help you to find out what manager and leader you are now. You will identify areas you would need to work on in order to become better manager and leader. You will define a clear goal what manager and leader you would like to be according to your authentic self and personality you have. No fake leadership accepted. It must be real you! Leadership is within you. Just needs to be unlashed!
Stage 2: Taking action.
Secondly, you are going to learn a number of highly effective management and leadership tools, techniques and strategies. You will be supported with a personal action plan that will put the theory into practice. Get ready to take action right away.
Stage 3: Monitoring long-lasting change
Finally, you are a desired leader. It is not be the end of your work. The coach will keep you accountable and make sure your transformation is permanent by monitoring your results.
Level up your Leadership Skills!
This series of webinars consist of five webinars one hour each. You will attend it once a week. The course presents A-Z of the modern business leadership concepts. The content is versatile and will find significant value for all levels of management. At the same time it is very individual. Before the course starts, a participant is given a pdf document called Personal Action Plan Journal in order to put the theory into practice. The journal will help them to make notes and identify individual areas of improvement.
The content of the webinars is as follow:
The course capacity is unlimited number of participants.
The course includes the video recordings from each webinar when you are unable to attend live.
For whom?
This course is dedicated to all level management as well as to lower level of team leaders and supervisors.
Expected results?
A participant will obtain A-Z knowledge about modern leadership skills. They will understand what authentic leadership is. They will discover their individual areas of leadership they would need to improve, and they will be given tools on how to improve them in order to be better leaders at their workplace as well as in their private life.
5 live webinars / 60min each / once a week / 5 weeks in total / unlimited number of participants / video recordings available for participants
All webinars are run online. You do not have to install any applications on your device. Just follow three simple steps:
You receive an e-mail with a date and time of the webinar, an internet link and a password.
You click the link and you are redirected to an online webinar room in your internet browser.
You are asked to type in your e-mail address and a password. You see and hear a trainer presenter and start a meeting. Nobody can see you nor hear you.
All webinars are confidential and all information obtained is carefully and safely stored by a trainer with no access to the third parties. During the webinar participants neither see nor hear each others.
Leadership Coaching: Führen kann man lernen!
Sie waren und sind verdammt gut in Ihrem Job! Als Spitzen Fachkraft haben Sie Außerordentliches geleistet und nur logisch, dass man Sie befördert hat!
Jetzt managen Sie ein Team und stehen vor ganz neuen Herausforderungen:
- Wie führt man eigentlich?
- Wie motiviert man Menschen?
- Wie sorgt man dafür, dass das ganze Team - und nicht nur Sie alleine! - Spitzenleistungen erzielt?
In diesem Coaching lernen Sie genau das - Menschen begeistern und zu überdurchschnittlichen Ergebnissen führen.
Elemente des Coachings sind:
Wie entscheide ich mich richtig? Das Entscheidungscoaching!
„In den Momenten wo du Entscheidungen triffst, wird deine Zukunft geformt.“- Anthony Robbins
- Kennst Du das Gefühl, manchmal einfach nicht die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen?
- Oder Dir nicht 100% bei Deinem Entscheidungsprozess sicher zu sein?
- Oder Du einfach das Gefühl hast zu lange dabei zu brauchen?
- Kennst Du das, wenn das Gefühl des Wetteifern, deine Intuition oder dein Verstand nicht miteinander übereinstimmen?
- Möglicherweise ist sogar bei deinen Entscheidungen eine Portion Angst dabei?
Manchmal ist es gar nicht so leicht, die für Dich richtige Entscheidung zu treffen. Kennst Du das?
„Die Entscheidungen waren nur der Anfang von etwas. Wenn man einen Entschluss gefasst hatte, dann tauchte man damit in eine gewaltige Strömung, die einen mit sich riss, zu einem Ort, den man sich bei dem Entschluss niemals hätte träumen lassen.“- Paulo Coelho
Im Entscheidungscoaching lernst Du:
- Wie Du durch hilfreiche Methoden, die richtige Entscheidung triffst.
- Wie Du durch unsere kleinen Workshop Tools langfristig dein Wissen in der Praxis anwenden kannst
- Mithilfe folgender Bereiche, finden wir für Dich die optimale Entscheidungsmethode, dass Du in Zukunft schnell und effizient Entscheidungen treffen kannst, die mit Dir in Einklang sind und sich langfristig positiv auf dein Leben auswirken werden:
• Betriebswirtschaft
• Kinesiologie
• Systemische Psychotherapie (Lösungsaufstellung)
• Logotherapie
• Individualpsychologie
• Transformationstherapie
• u.v.m.
Nach einer gründlichen Analyse mit Ausgangsbeschreibung, erarbeiten wir zunächst die gewünschte (idealisierte) Zielvorstellung. Danach fixieren wir die unterschiedlichen Lösungswege und kommen dann zu den Entscheidungsgrundlagen.
Das Coaching kann on- und offline stattfinden.